After learning Ant...
OK. I have bought a book about ant and I'm learning it. I still don't understand why I can't simply put the source in JBuilder and compile. The debugging features of JBuilder is what makes this tool so great and without a clean compile, I can't get the tool to work properly -- at least I can't be sure the tool is working properly. I can handle the deprecated files for backward compatibility but I can't understand the value of source code that's not compilable.

"": Error #: 452 : no interface allowed here at line 32, column 40
"": Error #: 454 : class nl.eid.jetspeed.portal.controls.CssPortletControl should be declared abstract; it does not define method setWidth(java.lang.String) in interface org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletControl at line 32, column 8

I would understand a few errors -- max of 15 since it's a nightly build. But the volume of errors in this source is outrageous.

Is it unreasonable to expect open source to deliver source code that actually will compile in my favorite Java IDE? Ant is just a build and deployment tool. It doesn't really solve my problem of program development -- i.e. setting breakpoints and stepping through code. Companies like Microsoft use modern tools for their development projects. I need this code to compile in JBuilder so I can learn and add/evolve the code that is there.

I can't believe that there is an extremely high percentage of developers on this project that don't use modern tools such as NetBeans, JBuilder, or at least, VisualCafe. I left vi/emacs/nedit almost 10 years ago -- I can't go back to those! I don't mind taking on the task of separating sources that work and don't work but I certainly don't want to do work that someone else has successfully done already. If anyone out there is trying to solve this problem, please let me know.

James Moliere

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