De : Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> First sorry david, I send it to you only at first so you'll 
> have it twice !
> > De : David Sean Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > I think that perhaps you have found a new feature to add to 
> the core.
> > That is, if the user doesn't have a profile, create one or
> > direct them to the customizer.
> I (for my project needs) will implement a fully working one, cause we
> already have an application that creates user, but we don't want to
> completely modify it so that it creates psml, roles... so I 
> said I'll do it
> at the login, all that our other app will have to do is create a
> turbine_user (or equivalent).
> I saw Pierre has completed my first draw and is not so far 
> from the solution
> too, so when I'll get back to user creation in jetspeed I may 
> have not much
> to do !

Sorry to jump late on this thread but I think a clean way to proceed
would be to add to the Profile interface a new method:

public boolean isNew()

And change the Profiler algorithm so that if it doesn't find any
user PSML resource, it'll load a default PSML resource based either
on group/role membership or "default" user and mark the profile as

That way, the accesscontroller can check the Profile status and if
is new can redirect the user to customize its profile and then save it.

Would that work for you ?

> Another feature that I'd like to have : CHECK that the psml 
> retrieved is
> still good... Else you have a "Unable to fetch pane" error 
> (it happens when
> tomcat is not properly shut down, and recently I had this error on the
> anonymous pane... and noone here do log as anonymous so I 
> don't understand
> how it happened !!!!).
> This "bug" is clearly awful, you have to rebuild the psml "at 
> the end" in
> db... So I wanted something that checked if the psml was 
> good, and if not
> replace it by the default one... Or better, I'll take a look 
> at the part
> where Tomcat writes those psml (in my case I'm using dbpsml, 
> nice work)
> cause I think it should commit after checking that the psml is good or
> something like that.

This should be pretty simple to fix, we simply need to act on the
execptions recieved rather than simply log them.

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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