I would like to try the tutorial on the bluesunrise site. These instructions are so complete, that I feel like an idiot for having to ask this question. I have also been able to download jetspeed from cvs and deploy it on tomcat many times in the past.
- I have created a folder called C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\ - I have downloaded and extracted the jportal.jar into C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\jportal - I have downloaded the jetspeed-1.4-b2-src.zip into the .../jetspeed-tutorial/ folder so I now have C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\jetspeed-1.4-b2\[bin,WEB-INF etc...] - I have previously installed ant 1.4.1 (in C:\Developer\ant\) - I have installed the latest Tomcat 4.1.12 (in C:\Tomcat4.1) I cd to C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\jetspeed-1.4-b2\build and run 'ant war' but I get <snip> sql: [echo] +------------------------------------------+ [echo] | | [echo] | Generating SQL for YOUR Torque project! | [echo] | Woo hoo! | [echo] | | [echo] +------------------------------------------+ sql-classpath: BUILD FAILED C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\jetspeed-1.4-b2\build\torque\build-torque.xml:198 : Could not create task of type: torque-sql due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErro r: org/apache/tools/ant/types/AbstractFileSet Total time: 23 seconds C:\developer\jetspeed-tutorial\jetspeed-1.4-b2\build> However, If I run 'build war', everything builds fine. But then when I switch to the .../jportal/ folder and run 'ant tutorial-1', I get the same error about the missing AbstractFileSet class when it tries to create the SQL Woo-Hoo! I am on Windows. Am I missing an environment value or something? Thanks for any help, Steve B.