Hi Raphaël,
Thank you veyr much for your advice. I think the solution you talk about can
meet my needs. We are currently in the very first step of setting up our
portal, so the editorial workflow process is not very complicated. What
content production tool would you advise me to use, in order to be easy to
integrate with Jetspeed?
And I would be very interested in reading your Powerpoint, whenever you get
time to send it to me.
Thanx a lot again

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luta, Raphael  (VUN) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: mercredi 15 janvier 2003 11:40
> To:   'Jetspeed Users List'
> Subject:      RE: Jetspeed and OpenCms
> > 
> > Our aim here is to create a collaborative Intranet portal, 
> > where different
> > people would give inputs. For instance, they would post 
> > articles from a
> > portlet located on their pages (after logging in), and the 
> > articles would be
> > displayed on the anon page, in a portlet similar to 
> > JetspeedContentPortlet.
> > Plus, I would like all these articles to be stored in a 
> > database or fle
> > system.
> > 
> > I know that this requirement is pretty out of Jetspeed's 
> > scope as it deals
> > with content management, but if someone could provide me with 
> > ideas or any
> > help, I would be very thankful.
> > 
> Depending on the complexity of your editorial workflow processes
> and existing tools, you want to consider a solution using the OCS/RSS
> syndication capabilities of Jetspeed.
> Example:
> Use a current web based content production tool and customize it to
> produce a list of available content in the OCS format (or use whatever
> format you want and customize the feeddaemon XSL stylesheet) and make the 
> content itself available in RSS (on any other format but you'll need
> to do some XSL customizations...).
> In the portal, use the RSS portlet to display the contents in the page
> just like any other news site you may want to include.
> Advantages:
> - complete uncoupling of content production and content display
> - you may use existing editorial workflow tools (ex, Notes/Domino)
> - you may use standard web based blogging/wiki tools.
> - it's very suitable to decentralized/complex environments where you 
>   can't enforce usage of a single tool. The OCS and RSS markups (or 
>   any over you choose) is the only thing that need to be agreed upon.
> Disadvantages:
> - You need to do some non-trivial, non-standard customizations if you 
>   want to incorporate security constraints in the portal viewing part.
> - You don't get a nice single packaged central content repository.
> I should still have the Powerpoint of my ApacheCon 2001 presentation
> on this topic if you are interested and not in a hurry 
> (I don't know exactly where the archive is located right now :(). 
> --
> Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java
> http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/
> --
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