The following are my comments to the JCP regarding JSR-168:

--- Gerry Reno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 19:52:51 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Gerry Reno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: JSR-168 Comments
>   I have recently reviewed JSR-168 and my overriding impression is
> that
> this specification is a non-starter in its current form.  Promoting a
> tightly server-coupled view interaction model (server-side UI) will
> end
> up hurting Java.  The Web model (servers, browsers, and network) is
> not
> designed to work this way.  Java is just now recovering from the
> early
> perception that it is slow technology.  This is a perception that
> many
> of us have had to work hard to dispel.  Now the JCP wants to release
> a
> portlet specification on a foundation of a server-side UI model that
> will end up tremendously fueling this argument.  The user experience
> using the portlets is going to be slow, awkward, and non-intuitive. 
> This specification with its server-side UI is going to do more damage
> to Java than anything else.  Try using one of these portals through a
> dialup connection where every view action, even simple view actions
> like minimizing a portlet will go back to the server for a full page
> reload.  This is ridiculous!
>   Please take a look at my proposal for a new Jetspeed View
> Interaction
> Model.  The model in my proposal makes far more sense.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Proposal: Jetspeed View Interaction Model
>   Author: Gerry Reno
>     Date: July 17, 2003
> Need:
>   The Jetspeed portal needs to provide users with a good view
> interaction (browser) experience where portal pages and portlets
> behave
> in a fast, responsive and intuitive manner.  Highly server-coupled
> view
> interaction models which require every user action to cause a new
> page
> request to be sent to the server result in slow, non-intuitive user
> interfaces that often exhibit undesirable side-effects and place
> unnecessary loads on networks and servers.  What is needed is a
> minimally server-coupled view interaction model that permits all
> locally-achievable view modifications to be made on the client.  This
> results in minimal reloading of the document object model (DOM) and
> provides the user with a rich, responsive, and intuitive user
> experience.
> Demonstration of Highly Server-Coupled Problem:
>   A good example of the type of problems that can occur under a
> highly
> server-coupled view interaction model can be found in Jetspeed 1.4b4
> using the IFramePortlet.  This portlet implements the IFRAME tag on
> the
> portal page which has a 'src' attribute that contains a URL that is
> loaded in the frame whenever the tag is rendered during loading of
> the
> page.  The IFRAME tag has no means of maintaining state and will
> always
> load the 'src' URL into the frame whenever it is rendered.  This
> behavior is typical of HTML tag elements.  Under the highly
> server-coupled view interaction model that is currently used in
> Jetspeed 1.4b4 this very useful IFramePortlet is rendered nearly
> useless by the fact that view actions on any portlet within the
> portal
> page cause new requests to be sent to the server which result in page
> reloads that in turn result in the IFramePortlet being rerendered and
> its 'src' attribute URL being reloaded.  What this means is that if a
> user is interacting with the IFramePortlet and clicking on links
> until
> they find a page of interest perhaps a shopping site with forms, etc.
> and then they were to interact with any of the portlet view action
> buttons on any portlet within the portal page such as minimize or
> maximize, the entire page would reload and the users place within the
> IFramePortlet would be lost since the IFRAME tag would be rerendered
> and it would reload its 'src' URL.  Try this for yourself to see the
> problem.  This is completely counter-intuitive to users general
> experience with IFRAMES.  Under the minimally server-coupled view
> interaction model proposed herein the IFramePortlet would behave
> completely intuitively as users expect.
> Proposed Solution:
>   Providing for a consistently good view interaction experience for
> users requires by definition, minimizing requests to the server and
> the
> use of rich client-side scripting in conjunction with keeping the
> same
> document object model (DOM) loaded in the browser for as long as
> possible.  The DOM can be manipulated using client-side scripting
> languages such as DHTML and Javascript to accomplish local user view
> actions.  Actions that cause new page requests to be issued to the
> server should be kept to an absolute minimum to avoid unloading and
> reloading of the DOM.  User actions that affect only the view such as
> maximize, minimize, delete, print-friendly can then easily be
> implemented locally through manipulation of the DOM within the
> browser.
>  In fact, all view interactions that can be locally-achieved by
> manipulation of the DOM should be done strictly on the client and
> never
> by a request to the server.  Adopting this type of view interaction
> model results in a user interface that feels very crisp and
> responsive.
>  While on a portal page, only when it is absolutely necessary to
> send/retrieve server-side business data should a new page request be
> sent to the server such as when a form needs to be submitted, for
> example.  
> Implementation:
>   (I do not have familiarity with Jetspeed internal design or source
> code and perhaps someone could provide some assistance here)
> Considerations:
>   Internet Explorer broken CSS box-model:
>     IE 5 has a broken CSS box-model which causes misalignment of
> things
> like sliced images when placed in <div> elements.  There are ways to
> directly detect broken CSS box-models (without relying only on
> user-agent strings which can be masqueraded) and apply corrective
> offsets to box parameters to compensate for this problem.
>   Browser Usage Stats:
>   source:
>     As you can see as of 7/05/2003 at least 95% are at a browser
> level
> of 5.x or higher.
>   Cascading Style Sheets (CSS):
>     All browsers worth supporting (5.x or higher) are capable of
> CSS1.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerry Reno
> __________________________________
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