
I am volunteering for a non profit organization (my daugther's indian
princess nation) to redesign their website. 

I have looked at all sort of different way of developing it and I have
come to the conclusion that I would like a portal of sort to be the main
page and have people manage the pages directly from the web site. I also
really like the idea of portlets and the user/group/role model. It seems
so natural.

I am in the process of deciding between Jetspeed and Liferay. (more
complete it seems but the learning curve seems steeper). I also want to
stay with a Java based solution.

Looking at the example site, I really like what I saw at
http://www.anglonaweb.it/index.jsp or

However looking at what comes bundled with Jetspeed I am wondering how
to get there on my limited time and no budget :-).

Is there examples of semi-complex sites that I can use as a canvas to
the site I want to create. Is somebody  willing to share their source
code so I can learn from it.

Thanks in advance

-- Pascal

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