I forgot to mention that my mail was a reply to
this message that I found in the mailing list
archive of June:


Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:03:11 -0700
Subject: LDAP and existing directory
From: "Jamey Maze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Spam-Rating: daedalus.apache.org 1.6.2 0/1000/N
X-Spam-Rating: daedalus.apache.org 1.6.2 0/1000/N

Was wondering if anyone might be able to help me get Jetspeed working with an existing SunOne LDAP Directory. Here's what I've done so far:

1. manually created the attributes and object classes in jetspeed.scheme;
put all the object classes under "Top"

2. created the ou's, groups, roles, and permissions from jetspeed.ldif;
instead of creating them under "ou=jetspeed, o=apache" I created them
under "ou=jetspeed, dc=mydomain, dc=com"

3. when I try to create the example users (turbine, anon), my directory
says it encountered an object class violation.

Are these example users or do they have some special meaning to the Jetspeed
code? It appears Jetspeed wants to bind as "anon" when I start it.

I tried moving the jetspeeduser object class under inetOrgPerson, but
that didn't help.

What goes in the objectdata attribute? Looks like some data that's base64

Many thanks!

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