I have a panel with 3 portlet (a,b,c), every portlet is a very simple jsp
portlet which use org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.JspPortlet
and its action class (JspPortletActionA,JspPortletActionB,JspPortletActionC)

Example of portletb.xreg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <portlet-entry name="portletb" hidden="false" type="ref"
        parent="JSP" application="false">
            <title>Prova JSP B</title>
            <description>esempio di applicazione jsp B</description>
        <parameter name="template" value="portletb/b.jsp"
            hidden="false" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="action"
            value="portlets.JspPortletActionB" hidden="true"
            cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <media-type ref="html"/>
        <url cachedOnURL="true"/>

a,b,c jsp contain a form like this

Example b.jsp

<form method="post" action="<jetspeed:dynamicUri/>">
<input type="hidden" name="js_peid" value="<%=jspeid%>">
Insert your name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username SIZE=20>
<input type="submit" name="eventSubmit_doDetailsb" value="Save"/>

Example JspPortletActionB

public class JspPortletActionB extends JspPortletAction  {

    public void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata)
    public void doDetailsb(RunData data, Portlet portlet) throws Exception
        setTemplate(data, "ContactB.jsp");


When I click the submit in one of the 3 portlet there is a refresh of the
page of the portal and all portlets in a page (panel) are going to actionClass
all the time! Is possible to refresh only the portlet where I click the
submit without influence
other jsp portlet in the same panel? Can you post some code to adjust this
[What I want to do is :
a form in a portletA where user insert some data and he submit ,
then a new jsp page is load with data inserted in portletA. After when user
insert data in portletB and there is a submit i dont want to loose the jsp
page loaded in portletA]

I hope that what I have written is clear, excused for my bad English :-)
thanks in advance to anyone answers to me.

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