you actually encountered a common problem which is due to a misunderstanding: 
Portlets only exist on the server side, for the browser it's just one html 
page and therefore you can't refresh a single portlet. Always the whole page 
is sent to the server and all portlet classes are executed. If you want only 
one portlet to react, you need to have different action parameters in them 
(you always have eventSubmit_doDetailsb, right?). You need to understand that 
a portlet is not a frame, which is a client-side concept.

Am Thursday 30 October 2003 11:34 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I have a panel with 3 portlet (a,b,c), every portlet is a very simple jsp
> portlet which use org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.JspPortlet
> and its action class
> (JspPortletActionA,JspPortletActionB,JspPortletActionC)
> Example of portletb.xreg
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <registry>
>     <portlet-entry name="portletb" hidden="false" type="ref"
>         parent="JSP" application="false">
>         <meta-info>
>             <title>Prova JSP B</title>
>             <description>esempio di applicazione jsp B</description>
>         </meta-info>
> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.JspPortlet</classname>
> <parameter name="template" value="portletb/b.jsp"
>             hidden="false" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>         <parameter name="action"
>             value="portlets.JspPortletActionB" hidden="true"
>             cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>         <media-type ref="html"/>
>         <url cachedOnURL="true"/>
>     </portlet-entry>
> </registry>
> a,b,c jsp contain a form like this
> Example b.jsp
> <form method="post" action="<jetspeed:dynamicUri/>">
> <input type="hidden" name="js_peid" value="<%=jspeid%>">
> Insert your name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=username SIZE=20>
> <P>
> <input type="submit" name="eventSubmit_doDetailsb" value="Save"/>
> </form>
> Example JspPortletActionB
> public class JspPortletActionB extends JspPortletAction  {
>     public void buildNormalContext(Portlet portlet, RunData rundata)
>     {
>     }
>     public void doDetailsb(RunData data, Portlet portlet) throws Exception
>     {
>         setTemplate(data, "ContactB.jsp");
>     }
> }
> When I click the submit in one of the 3 portlet there is a refresh of the
> page of the portal and all portlets in a page (panel) are going to
> actionClass all the time! Is possible to refresh only the portlet where I
> click the submit without influence
> other jsp portlet in the same panel? Can you post some code to adjust this
> problem?
> [What I want to do is :
> a form in a portletA where user insert some data and he submit ,
> then a new jsp page is load with data inserted in portletA. After when user
> insert data in portletB and there is a submit i dont want to loose the jsp
> page loaded in portletA]
> I hope that what I have written is clear, excused for my bad English :-)
> thanks in advance to anyone answers to me.
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Stefan Kuhn M. A.
Cologne University BioInformatics Center (http://www.cubic.uni-koeln.de)
Zülpicher Str. 47, 50674 Cologne
Tel: +49(0)221-470-7428   Fax: +49 (0) 221-470-7786
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