Well if you look at the tutorial you will have answers to your questions. It will take 
some time to get a hang of...:-) If you get the jportal tutorial source and unjar it 
to a local file system you will see that this application contains it's own structure.
Then ant is used to merge this application over the existing jetspeed source.

Steps are:
1) Download jetspeed source. Compile the source with ant to get the jetspeed war and 
jar.Modify build.properties so that u can compile the code.
2) Download jportal tutorial source see the structure. Decide what your application 
should like. I suggest that first you get the tutorial up and running..that is quiet a 
challenge in itself if you are new to ANT and jetspeed. Modify the build.properties so 
that you can compile this code.
3) Again use ANT to compile this tutorial following the compile steps in the doc and 
deploy this application. You should see a jportal.war under tomcat\webapps.
4) For every portal application that you create you will be have your own instance of 
jetspeed running. In the information that you provided me it seems as if you are 
thinking that if jetspeed is running and then you run your webapp then the you have a 
portal. Correct me if i'm completely way-off? If you deploy your portal war that 
should contain all the relevant jetspeed files combined with your files. this is 
enough to run the portal under tomcat. You cannot run both in parrallel and have it 
work. Your application has to be contained within the jetspeed framework.

 I do not know if i made sense...i too am new to jetspeed so i may not be 
understanding your issue completely...but i'm trying..:-)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/24/03 11:27AM >>>
Thanks Archana for your first reply it was very helpful, I can see my images. I have 
started looking at the tutorial not yet got complete hold of it. 

Here is my question again. I have an existing application (app) hosted in Tomcat works 
completely, and it is located under /tomcatroot/webpapps/app. I have downloaded and 
installed the Jetspeed /tomcatroot/webapps/jetspeed. Jetspeed and app are in parallel 

What are the steps required to view this application as a portlet in Jetspeed. I want 
to reuse my existing app structure which is in /tomcatroot/webapps/app location. I 
mean is there some way in which I can wrap this app in a portlet and configure that 
portlet to point to the existing structure, and deploy (configure) this wrapped 
portlet in jetspeed? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Existing application (virtual directory or soft link)?

Best place to look for is the Jportal tutorial. That was where i got my help. 

Also when you say view the application: do you mean that you want to have it point to 
your custom home page? 

You can always type in http://localhost:8080/<Your _portalName>/portal to view your 
portal application. Again i would highly recommend going thru the tutorial. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/24/03 11:02AM >>>
Hi there,

I am a new user of Jetspeed. I have an existing JSP application hosted in Tomcat, 
which I want to add as a portlet or view as an portlet in jetspeed. 

This application has directory structure parallel to jetspeed, is there a way this 
application can be viewed in a portlet by either relative URL or virtual directory? 
What are the configuration steps for it?


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