Thanks Richard. I appreciate the input (no you have not sidetracked me..:-). Meanwhile 
i found something in the jetspeed's build.xml that may help my issue.

Well this is considering that none of the jetspeed source needs any change and will 
work as it is released in the CVS. Any extra classes that are written belong to a 
custom package structure belonging to the company and these most of the times (till 
now in my experience) trurn out to be extensions of existing jetspeed classes For e.g. 
Portlet classes extend JSPPortletAction.

Considering above is the case the following can be done (based on the information in 
the jetspeed's build.xml)
1) Build jetspeed with the option war-template.
2) Explode this war to the app server webapps directory.
3) Copy the jetspeed jar and its dependent jars into the web-inf\lib directory.
4) Copy the custom portals template files to the template directories under the 
5) Copy the custom portals jars to the web-inf\lib directory.
6) This step is something i'm currently experimenting on. I'm going to try to create (following the jetspeed property override-howto) and see if i can also 
embed this. If this happens and my portal works then viola i think i have achieved 
most of my goal.

If all the above steps are followed then i could do the following:
1) I can check-in the combined structure into our source control 
2) Everybody else in our group can then check-in the jsps, java files to this structure
3) Write make files(not ant tasks but .gmk files) to build the custom portals jar 
files and custom portal's war file.

Although jetspeed source will still be maintained as a separate entity and ant will be 
used to build the jar file needed for the custom portal. In future if there are any 
bug fixes then this source will be modified and the jar will be rebuilt and the custom 
portal's application war will have to be rebuilt to include this new jar.

I hope i'm making some sense. If anybody sees a problem with this approach or tried 
the war-template approach please please let me know. Any input is appreciated because 
that will allow me to make a sound decision on the maintainence aspect of the portal.

Thanks and i appreciate all the help,

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/20/04 11:16AM >>>
Not sure if this is quite the answer you were seeking, but I am doing
something similar - e.g. incorporating an existing portal application
into the Jetspeed framework.  Initially, I started by installing the
jetspeed .war file and then hacking various configuration files.  Then,
in order to take the next step of incorporating my Java code, I realized
I would need to have the source to Jetspeed and to incorporate my source
into that structure (e.g. writing new portlets in the package
org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets).  So, I downloaded the
source and created new portlets.  

To do the build, I used the Jetspeed build.xml file, but I didn't need
to make any changes in it.  I put some additional .jar files in the
appropriate lib directory and the ant tasks copy them to web-inf.  Then
to deploy my Jetspeed portal (with my portlets), I created a .war file
and then exploded it into the deployment directory (I used slightly
different locations for Jboss and WebLogic).  Then, in general, when
making additional changes I use the ant target "hotdeploy" (and then
usually have to restart the app server).

With this background, I will try to answer your specific questions:
Q1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) build file
to come up with my build.xml?
<RB>I believe that you can use the jetspeed's build.xml, but I believe
that you do not have to modify that build.xml. </RB>
2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes can i just
include this like a library jar in the web-inf\lib?
<RB>Don't know.  My approach was to incorporate my stuff into the
Jetspeed framework, rather than just trying to use jetspeed as a jar.
It would be cool if #2 was possible, but something tells me that it
won't work (disclaimer: I am real newbie at this)</RB>
3) If step 2 is valid then can i only take all the files that are
missing in the jar file from the jetspeed directory and deploy them into
the file structure of my custom portal? for e.g. the .properties files
are not present in the jar file. Can i just copy this property files
from jetspeed directory into the my own portal's space ,merge the
properties and then build my own war file?
<RB>NA, as I am assuming that #2 is false</RB>
4) What are the recommended methods of source maintainence of custom
portals? Does the jetspeed source also need to be maintained or the
binaries and property files are enough?
<RB>Great question - as you can tell, I was under the impression that
the jetspeed source needs to maintained, extended, modified, etc. - at
least if you want to have any type of custom portlets.  As you have
probably seen, you can create DBMS portlets and RSS portlets without
having to write any code (and there are probably others that are
configurable). </RB>

Hope that was useful and that my lack of true understanding didn't get
in the way :) :).


Twenty Years | One Mission | Accelerating Business Processes 

Richard Berger 
Action Technologies, Inc. 
VP, Product Management 
510.748.1017 (Office) 
510.769.0596 (Fax) 

NOTE: The opinions expressed herein are those of the writer and not necessarily those 
of Action Technologies, Inc. or its employees or its affiliates. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: build question---please help

I have my own portal application with it's own library files and jsp
files. To understand jetspeed i just built the tutorial and hacked that
structure to include my portal specific information. Now i want to
create a build.xml that will work with ant to create my own portal war.
I cannot follow the tutorial build.xml because it goes in three steps
i) Deploy(this will simply replicate the jetspeed.war) ii)Start tomcat
.This will explode the war into a directory structure.
iii) Then hot deploy so that it copies all the tutorial specific
information to exploded structure under tomcat. 
Also the tutorial does not have it's own library files. I have my own
libraries that i want to use.

1) Do i have to then look at jetspeed's(the jetspeed source) build file
to come up with my build.xml?
2) Instead of exploding the jetspeed jar to \web-inf\classes can i just
include this like a library jar in the web-inf\lib?
3) If step 2 is valid then can i only take all the files that are
missing in the jar file from the jetspeed directory and deploy them into
the file structure of my custom portal? for e.g. the .properties files
are not present in the jar file. Can i just copy this property files
from jetspeed directory into the my own portal's space ,merge the
properties and then build my own war file?
4) What are the recommended methods of source maintainence of custom
portals? Does the jetspeed source also need to be maintained or the
binaries and property files are enough?

Please help me. I have been trying to figure out the best way to
formalise the steps of source maintainence. Therefore all the developers
of the portlets can use this structure to check-in and check-out source.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience, Archana

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