Oh, stupid me! :-) The error is easily purged:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <portlet-entry name=".....>

Thanks to Massimiliano for helping me.

But still: what does "unmarshal" mean?


Am 09.02.2004 um 14:33 schrieb Bela Kovac:


i'm trying to run a Velocity portlet with jetspeed, but my portlet doesn't appear on the Add-Portlet-list. The log file jetspeedservices.log is telling me:

2004-02-09 12:09:17,289 [main] ERROR CastorRegistryService - RegistryService: Could not unmarshal: /java/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/ velocityExample.xreg

What does "unmarshal" mean?

My velocityExample.xreg looks like this:

<portlet-entry name="pripeVelocityExample" hidden="false" type="ref" parent="Velocity" application="false">
<title>PRiPE Velocity Example</title>
<description>Mal schauen ob's klappt...</description>
<parameter name="template" hidden="true" value="velocityExample"/>
<parameter name="action" hidden="true" value="portlets.VelocityExampleAction"/>
<parameter name="testVar" hidden="false" value="Test-Test. 1-2-3. *pust*">
<title>Kleiner Test-Text-String</title>
<description>Eigentlich total unwichtig</description>
<parameter name="textString" hidden="false" value="HalloDoofeWelt">
<description>Nur so als kleiner Test...</description>
<parameter name="ldapList" hidden="false" value="o=upb,c=de">
<title>LDAP Search Base</title>
<description>Welcher Teil des LDAP-Baums soll durchsucht werden?</description>

If anyone can give me a hint what i'm doing wrong, i would be thankful.



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