Marshalling and unmarshalling is like packing and unpacking, it's a process
to transform data to allow it to be transported accross application address
space (from one application to another), or over the network (from one
machine to the other). To accomplish this, pointers must be converted to the
actual objects for example, because the address would have no meaning on
another machine. Usually, marshalling and unmarshalling are transparent, and
you don't even need to know that it is happening. I don't know why Castor is
using it...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bela Kovac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: xreg-Problem

Oh, stupid me! :-) The error is easily purged:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <portlet-entry name=".....>

Thanks to Massimiliano for helping me.

But still: what does "unmarshal" mean?


Am 09.02.2004 um 14:33 schrieb Bela Kovac:

> Hi,
> i'm trying to run a Velocity portlet with jetspeed, but my portlet
> doesn't appear on the Add-Portlet-list. The log file
> jetspeedservices.log is telling me:
> 2004-02-09 12:09:17,289 [main] ERROR CastorRegistryService -
> RegistryService: Could not unmarshal:
> /java/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/
> velocityExample.xreg
> What does "unmarshal" mean?
> My velocityExample.xreg looks like this:
> <portlet-entry name="pripeVelocityExample" hidden="false" type="ref"
> parent="Velocity" application="false">
> <meta-info>
> <title>PRiPE Velocity Example</title>
> <description>Mal schauen ob's klappt...</description>
> </meta-info>
> <parameter name="template" hidden="true" value="velocityExample"/>
> <parameter name="action" hidden="true"
> value="portlets.VelocityExampleAction"/>
> <parameter name="testVar" hidden="false" value="Test-Test. 1-2-3.
> *pust*">
> <meta-info>
> <title>Kleiner Test-Text-String</title>
> <description>Eigentlich total unwichtig</description>
> </meta-info>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="textString" hidden="false" value="HalloDoofeWelt">
> <meta-info>
> <title>Text-String</title>
> <description>Nur so als kleiner Test...</description>
> </meta-info>
> </parameter>
> <parameter name="ldapList" hidden="false" value="o=upb,c=de">
> <meta-info>
> <title>LDAP Search Base</title>
> <description>Welcher Teil des LDAP-Baums soll durchsucht
> werden?</description>
> </meta-info>
> </parameter>
> </portlet-entry>
> If anyone can give me a hint what i'm doing wrong, i would be thankful.
> Regards,
> Bela
> --
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> Misstrauensvotum gegen den lieben Gott."
>   -- Karl Kraus
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