On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 11:39 AM, Bryan K. Cantwell wrote:

I get my JS portal 1.4 running fine on 2000 using jdk 1.4.2 and tomcat
4.1.29 and the initial HSQL db. Yet, when I switch to MySql 4.0.17, I
get the portal to load, I can go to most default pages and even make
SOME changes to users, etc. BUT more often than not, when I click on a
link in a portlet or use one of the admin portlets, nothing happens or I
get sent to some random page somewhere else in the portal.

Is this common? I have the JDBC drivers in and the Torque.properties
configged and some things work... but still intermittent issues...

Yes it is. I never get it right the first time either ;)
You have to populate the database. Follow the instructions in the online docs
Also check your log files, they should give a hint as to what is going wrong.
Jetspeed does run fine with MySQL 4

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