On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 19:39, Bryan K. Cantwell wrote:
> I get my JS portal 1.4 running fine on 2000 using jdk 1.4.2 and tomcat
> 4.1.29 and the initial HSQL db. Yet, when I switch to MySql 4.0.17, I
> get the portal to load, I can go to most default pages and even make
> SOME changes to users, etc. BUT more often than not, when I click on a
> link in a portlet or use one of the admin portlets, nothing happens or I
> get sent to some random page somewhere else in the portal.
> Is this common? I have the JDBC drivers in and the Torque.properties
> configged and some things work... but still intermittent issues...

did you update your drivers- you're not using the org.gjt ones, are you,
you are using the com.mysql.jdbc driver?

turn up logging in mysql to info or debug to see if any sql statements
are failing?

check logs carefully in jetspeed?

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