After various attempts I haven't yet manage to compile and run jetspeed 1.5
from the release source.

Here's a summary of the steps that took me the furthest:

1) unziped
2) cd jetspeed-1.5
3) maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true war
4) cp target/jetspeed.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/.
-- wait until tomcat autodeploys --
-- during deployment catalina.out reveals that
webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/classes has no classes at all
-- manually extracting the war file confirms this: it has all the libs but
no class files at all
-- but since the class files are in target/classes I tried to manually copy
5) cp target/classes /opt/tomcat/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/. -R
-- restart jetspeed context
-- during restart catalina.out logs:

INFO: standardHost.start /jetspeed

Starting Apache Jetspeed Portal/1.5

-- but hangs there, and jetspeed is never properly initialised, as shown by
tomcat's manager app

I included the "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" in the maven command, because as its
been mentioned in this list, one of the junit tests
( takes too long (not sure how long, I've
waited more than 5 minutes one time).

I've also tried "maven dist:install" but that always results in:
Reference made to goal 'xdoc:init' which has no definition.
-- no matter how many times I run the command

I'm running maven v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT, on a gentoo linux system.

Running out of ideas, so any tips are more than welcome.


Daniel Farinha

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