When using the XSLPortlet, is it possible to import/include another XSL 
document with a relative file reference?  I have two XSL documents in my 
WEB-INF/xsl directory (alongside the RSS XSL documents,) one of which 
includes the other with the <xsl:import> element.  The only way I can get 
the import to work correctly is to fully qualify the file name of the 
included XSL document.

Example, the following entries don't work for me:
<xsl:import href="junit.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="xsl/junit.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="/xsl/junit.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="/WEB-INF/xsl/junit.xsl"/>

The following works fine:


Eric Olson

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