
Yes, I did find the jetspeed2:deploy.portal and related goals in the
Jetspeed2 Maven Plugin. The detail you provided fills open questions I had
about how it shoudl be used. However, David stated that this "merge" should
not be used with Jetspeed2 by design on a previous thread:

It appears that the live deployment strategy is preferred in general, but
that it may not cover everything that one would like to modify at this
point, (?). In this case, I am specifically asking about two kinds of
customization: PSML hacking and Component development. Apparently, Porlet
and decoration/layout are deployable now...

As you know, I am trying to document the "proper" way to develop a Jetspeed2
portal in an attempt to get some kind of tutorial off the ground. Of course,
I will follow whatever methodology the Jetspeed2 team prefers. David?

Randy Watler 

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott T. Weaver
To: Jetspeed Users List
Sent: 8/12/04 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: JetSpeed2 Development Logistics

Hi Randy,

Actually, the Jetspeed 2 maven plugin actually does have somewhat of a 
merging capability. Just create a new directory structure similar to 
that under /portal in your project:

This is all you really need to get started:

Create a maven project.xml in the root of you project. Now you can start

adding/overriding files. When you are ready to build call "maven 
jetspeed2:build.portal" this will build a full jetspeed war file with 
all of your new/overridden files in place on top of jetspeed. Next you 
can call "maven jetspeed2:deploy.portal" which is very similar to "maven

quickStart" except it does not create the db for you. If you need to 
initialize the db you can call "maven jetspeed2:db.create".

Notes on your project.xml build file. You do not necessarily need to add

the Jetspeed 2 jar dependencies to your project.xml the maven plugin 
will merge the correct jars at build time. However, if you start 
extending or creating your own components you will then have to add the 
relevant jetspeed jars to your project.xml so your classes compile 

Randy Watler wrote:

> David,
> You wrote:
>> Our goal is to make all resources deployable:
>> - layouts
>> - decorators
>> - portlet applications
>> If you develop a portlet application, simply drop it into the auto 
>> deploy directory
> Got it. It appears that decorators/layouts can be similarly dropped 
> into the jetspeed/WEB-INF/deploy directory, no?
>> You are right, you should not edit the portal or components 
>> directories unless you are planning on submitting a patch
>> However if you develop your own component, such as the Portal's 
>> NavigationState Component or Aggregator Component for example, then
>> you can extend the existing Jetspeed component if necessary, and 
>> develop your own component and assemble it in the jetspeed-spring.xml
>> You can also assemble pipelines of request execution in the 
>> pipelines.xml, also based on Spring components
> How would Jetspeed2 find my custom component classes/jars, (i.e. where

> should these be installed)? I generally understand the configuration 
> being done in jetspeed-spring.xml and pipelines.xml. Would I edit 
> these configuration files in the deployed jetspeed/WEB-INF/assembly 
> directly?
>> To create your own portal layout on a page, you will still need to 
>> manually edit the PSML until our customizer is ready
>> We have made some progress in the customizer recently, but its still 
>> not quite there
> Right. Editing PSML is certainly not a big deal. I suppose adding and 
> deleting pages falls into the same category. However, I am still 
> hesitant to modify the deployed jetspeed webapp... is that the 
> intended development strategy? Obviously, there are numerous jetspeed 
> configuration and content files that one might wish to 
> edit/delete/create. I am trying to understand how to approach making 
> these changes in the jetspeed2 environment for a formal production 
> portal/development process, (despite the fact that jetspeed2 is just 
> entering first alpha). Basically, if I am going to write a tutorial 
> for the Wiki, I'd like to get it "right" from the start!
> Thanks,
> Randy Watler
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*           Scott T. Weaver               *
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*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal     *
*     Apache Pluto Portlet Container      *
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