Dear List,

I am trying to configure Jetspeed 1.5 (Tomcat 5; SuSE Linux 9.1 pro)
to work with mySQL 4.0.18 and am experiencing a problem.  It started with
me getting the same NullPointer error when trying to deploy my application,
but I wanted to be sure it was Jetspeed-1.5 before I posted, so I used nothing
but factory stuff to reproduce the problem.

I beseech you gurus to help me to understand the folly of my ways, and if
possible turn this document into a publicly available walkthrough for those
who will follow in my footsteps.

My approach was to go through this once, and then repeat it using cut/paste
from this posting to my command shell, to ensure this would be an accurate
recap of what I actually did.

Thanks for your help,
Charlie Hitselberger

====== the procedure and resulting error message follow =====

First I downloaded
and used it to make a new jetspeed-1.5/ source tree:

> mkdir ~/code/portal       # tabula raza
> mkdir ~/code/portal/zips/
> mkdir ~/code/portal/zips/mysqljetspeed
> mkdir ~/code/portal/zips/factory

I downloaded
into the factory subdirectory

> cd ~/code/portal
> unzip zips/factory/
> cd jetspeed-1.5/

I made the following changes in these three files:

> cat > ~/
maven.home = /usr/local/maven
maven.war.appserver.home = /usr/local/tomcat
database = mysql

> pico ./
announcement = 1.5
### database = hypersonic
database = mysql
### torque.database.url = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost
### torque.database.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
### torque.database.user = sa
### torque.database.password =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
torque.database.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jetspeed
torque.database.user =  root
torque.database.password =

> pico webapp/WEB-INF/conf/
### torque.database.default.adapter=hypersonic
## Using torque's old pool
### torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
### torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
### torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = sa
### torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =
### MySQL
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jetspeed
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user =  root
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password =

Next, I did
> cd src/java/
> jar xvf
(extracted: org/gjt/mm/mysql/Driver.class)
> cd ../..

(that last part may not have been necessary)

> alias maveno='maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true '     # this is actually in
> maveno dist               # BUILD SUCCESSFUL
> cp -v target/distributions/jetspeed-1.5* ../zips/mysqljetspeed/
> cd ..
> rm -rf jetspeed-1.5/
> unzip zips/mysqljetspeed/
> cd jetspeed-1.5
> maveno clean war          # BUILD SUCCESSFUL

On the jetspeed-user list, in thread "How to change from hsqldb to mysql?"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12681.html
I read that there is a bogus turbine-mysql.sql in the jetspeed-1.5 release
so I downloaded the right version of that script from the apache CVS head

> cp -v ~/turbine-mysql.sql src/sql/external/
> mysql -u root
mysql> create database jetspeed;
mysql> use jetspeed;
mysql> source src/sql/external/turbine-mysql.sql;
mysql> source src/sql/external/populate-mysql.sql;
mysql> create database torque;
mysql> use torque;           # belt and suspenders
mysql> source src/sql/external/turbine-mysql.sql;
mysql> source src/sql/external/populate-mysql.sql;
mysql> create database turbine;
mysql> use turbine;          # more belt and suspenders
mysql> source src/sql/external/turbine-mysql.sql;
mysql> source src/sql/external/populate-mysql.sql;
mysql> quit
> su
Password: yeahright
# cp -v target/jetspeed.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
# $CATALINA_HOME/bin/      # start up Tomcat
# exit
(wait for it)

> lynx http://localhost:8080/jetspeed

                              $data.profile.document.portlets.getMetaInfo().title (p1 
of 3)

   Home [welcome.gif]
   Username: ____________________ Login
   Password: ____________________
               Login Help
           Welcome to Jetspeed


There has been an Error!


Get/Post Data:

   template = /html/ShowError.vm

Stacktrace: java.lang.NullPointerException
(NORMAL LINK)   Use right-arrow or <return> to activate.

Mozilla, of course shows the same thing but it looks a lot prettier.

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