Has anyone successfully deployed Jetspeed 1.5 in a JBoss 4 container? 
Originally, Jetspeed would hang on startup, but I found the following blog 
which demystified things a bit:


I was able to get things working by deleting JBoss's versions of the 
castor jar files... although (as stated in the blog,) this broke the SNMP 
acceptor services in JBoss - which we need as a part of our application.

I then tried replacing the castor jar files in JBoss with the Jetspeed 
versions, and vice-versa, with no luck.  I also deleted the castor jar 
files from Jetspeed (thinking they may be picked up in the JBoss 
classpath,) which again failed.  Is there any way to get Jetspeed and 
JBoss to play together nicely without breaking any neccessary services?

I am using:
Jetspeed 1.5
JBoss 4.0.0RC1 (which uses Tomcat 5.0.27.)

Eric Olson

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