
Michael McElligott wrote:

Hi Randy,

The error appears to be in importing some stuff from the commons codec project. Specifically, the error (along with 25 other errors of a similar nature) is listed below.

Is this from a current CVS HEAD pull? If so, please send me your complete build output and the command you used to execute it. I am not sure, but it looks like your maven repository is not current somehow. Make sure you are not building with the -o maven options and that your maven.home.local build property is set correctly.

When I first downloaded the project I was poking around and trying to resolve things, but I'm only passingly (well, increasingly) familiar with maven, and I didn't really want to get into it. Elisabeth's question highlights something else though, which is that, at least when I started trying to use the project, the text on the portals site is misleading: as far as I can tell, there is no binary release to download.

There is not a binary version because it has never been released. Hopefully, it will be late this month.

That effectively limits the users of the portal to those who can use cvs, and while the vast majority of us subscribe to a certain development orthodoxy that includes it, I'm sure there are lots of beginners out there that are finding the learning curve on their first project pretty steep. I'm not saying it's good or bad, just that I'm sure the frustration I felt the first time I tried to get the project has probably been multiplied thousands of times over and could be corrected with a small textual change. When people go to the parent portals project it states that binaries can be found under /portals. The only binaries to be found there are for pluto. If someone browses into /jakarta they can find jetspeed1, but AFAIK v2 isn't anywhere. I just think that some text somewhere on the jetspeed2 site that tells people that the only place to get it is from CVS would eliminate a lot of headaches.

I am not a committer yet, but perhaps we can get the text changed. Better yet, we get a release out there so there are actual binaries!

If there is a tag that I should be using that is a known stable branch, I'd love to know about it.. the branch that was recommended to me was pre_portalurl_refactor_20041015, but that one doesn't build for me either (I don't have the errors handy).

It builds and runs for many of us, so I am not sure a tag is going to fix the problem. The most current tag is: "pre_declarative_tx_20041028". I think we need to fix your build issue!


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