
I wonder the space in "Program Files" has anything to do with. Try it
without the space. Just a wild guess:)


On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 16:37:41 -0500, Ron Wheeler
> Thanks for the hints. I got stopped before you did but it helped to see
> where the build file belongs. I would have buried it too deep.
> I am working with Tomcat 5.5.4, Java 5 (1.5.0), the latest Eclipse,
> Maven 1.0.1 and have downloaded the latest Eclipse plug-ins recomended
> in the Jetspeed Wiki.
> So far so good. Jetspeed is downloaded and I only got one error message
> about license.txt which appears to be downloaded OK anyway.
> I am trying to report as many of the errors and omissions in the current
> documentation as I can. I have a feeling that the guys who are writing
> the documentatoin are sometimes too knowledable and leave things out
> that us mere mortals do not deduce from their descriptions. The best one
> is the Jetspeed installation where they omit the step of downloading
> Jetspeed after carefully making sure that we have Maven and all the
> other stuff
> I am a big Eclipse fan and use it for all of our interactions with CVS
> and for non-Java activities such as Flash Actionscript development and
> to get the marketing types to keep organized by creating eclipse
> projects for marketing. It handles Mindmaps, XML, word processing
> documents, etc.. It gives us a truly secure, distributed file system
> with good protection against conflicting updates. We work out of 4
> locations in Montreal and have staff in Columbia sharing files and
> managing projects through Eclipse.
> When I tried to do the maven build, I got this error.
> File or url 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0/Classes/classes.jar' could
> not be found
> unknown protocol: c
>     at<init>(Unknown Source)
>     at<init>(Unknown Source)
>     at<init>(Unknown Source)
>     at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.loadFileOrUrl(
>     at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.load(
>     at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.config(
>     at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.config(
>     at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(
> So now I guess that I start the research on this. There does not appear
> to be a file classes.jar in Java 5 or Java 4 so it must be a setting
> that is not right somewhere.
> It looks like it is having trouble with the c:  but I do not know where
> it is building this. JAVA_HOME has the C: in it but removing it from the
> definition of JAVA_HOME did not have any effect.
> Hema Menon wrote:
> >Hi Ron,
> >
> >I have used Jetspeed with 1.5 binaries before. I needed to upgrade to
> >1.6 or 2 since it offered struts and jsr 168 portlet support. So this
> >past week, I was able to successfully build and deploy Jetspeed 2 and
> >Jetspeed 1.6 with fusion. I downloaded and used Maven for the first
> >time just for the purpose of building Jetspeed 2. Some patience and
> >lot of reading into the mailing list posts and responses from the
> >mailing list members helped me with it.
> >
> >Here's my own notes on how to get Jetspeed 2 built. My environment was
> >Win XP, Tomcat 5.0.28 and jdk1.4.2_06. I saw many questions on the
> >mailing list on how to get the source from CVS. So I started out with
> >answering that.
> >
> >1.     I need to use Jetspeed 2. Binaries are not available since it is
> >not released yet. How can I get the source from CVS and build it?
> >You need a CVS client to access the source code anonymously.
> >Instructions on getting source with Eclipse is described here.
> >
> >You can use Cygwin CVS or any others for downloading the source. You
> >can download Cygwin from  Make
> >sure you select CVS from the Devel on installation. You can now use
> >the instructions at apache (
> > )to get the source from
> >CVS. The steps involved are
> >â      Set the CVSROOT environment variable
> >CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvspublic export CVSROOT
> >â      Login to CVS
> >  cvs login
> >  password anoncvs
> >â      Choose the module to download
> > For jetspeed 2
> >     cvs checkout Jakarta-jetspeed-2
> >
> >2.     OK, I have the source now, how do I build this?
> >The instructions on building Jetspeed are at
> >
> >For step #1, I followed the instructions available here
> >
> >For step # 2, I copied the in the jetspeed2
> >directory to in the userhome directory( On my windows
> >box, C:\Documents and settings\hmenon ) and then modified it as
> >suggested for step 2 in
> >
> >Then continued with the further steps, at which case I run across the
> >following problems which were resolved as described below.
> >
> >3.The build started by ultimately failed due to unsatisfied dependency
> >with the following errors.
> >Attempting to download pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar.
> >WARNING: Failed to download pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar.
> >File...... C:\temp\jakarta-jetspeed-2\maven.xml
> >âââââââââââââ..
> >Column.... 40
> >The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependency:
> >       pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar
> >What can I do to fix this?
> >Maven tries to download the jars  to your local repository (usually
> >%home/.maven/repository directory) from the remote repository
> >(maven.remote.repo, â) as defined in the
> > If it is unable to download from these locations,
> >you are likely to get this error. You could try downloading these jars
> >from these locations and place it in the respective folders in the
> >local maven repository and restart the build.
> >
> >4.     The build completed successfully. How do I deploy this?
> >Follow the instruction #5 as described in
> >
> >
> >5.     OK, Jetspeed 2 is now deployed successfully, but I cannot find the
> >login page. Here's the exception in Tomcat logs..
> >BOOT] WARN: Could not load properties file ''. Using
> >default settings!
> >C:\WINDOWS\system32\ (The system cannot find the file 
> >specified)
> > C:\WINDOWS\system32\ (The
> >system cannot find the file specified)
> >       at Method)
> >      Help meâ.
> >Copy from Jakarta-jetspeed-2/etc/db-ojb directory to
> >TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed/web-inf/classes directory.  You might
> >want to copy all these listed files, otherwise you are likely to
> >encounter problem as described in the next item.
> >
> >
> >repository_database.xml
> >repository.dtd
> >repository_internal.xml
> >repository.xml
> >TEMP.xml
> >Restart tomcat after copying the files.
> >
> >6.     Copied, restarted Tomcat, well, the page is not
> >still up. Here's the exception from Tomcat logs,
> >org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
> >creating bean with name 'java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory' defined
> >in URL 
> >[file:/C:/Tomcat5.0.28/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/assembly/jetspeed-spring.xml]:
> >Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is
> >org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.PreferencesException: Failed to initialize
> >prefs api.  java.lang.NullPointerException
> >org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.PreferencesException: Failed to initialize
> >prefs api.  java.lang.NullPointerException     at
> >org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.impl.PreferencesFactoryImpl.init(
> >sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at
> >sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> >What's it now?
> >Here's the answer
> >
> >Copy all the files and restart Tomcat.
> >
> >7.     Finally,  http://localhost:8080/jetspeed is loaded with the new
> >jetspeed 2 page. Logged in as admin/jetspeed user/password combo.
> >What?? Invalid username/password?? Why?
> >With jetspeed2 you need to use user/user or jetspeed/jetspeed as the
> >user/password combination to login.
> >
> >       Other Known Issues
> >1.     Issues with using JDK versions lower than 1.4.2_02
> >This bug as reported here
> > is likely
> >to cause the followin exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to
> >initialize prefs api. java.lang.InternalError: Can't instantiate
> >Preferences factory java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> >org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.impl.PreferencesFactoryImpl.
> >Hence you need to have jdk1.4.2_02 or higher.
> >
> >I am not sure whether you were successful in building Jetspeed 2. But
> >thought I would share my experience to make the process easier.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Hema
> >
> >On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 12:26:14 -0500, Ron Wheeler
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>In getting started with Jetspeed, I am trying to follow the instructions
> >>on
> >>
> >>fairly literally to see how clear they really are to a new person.
> >>
> >>I have Apache and Tomcat working at the start of the process.
> >>
> >>Problem 1) The instructions do not describe how to download Jetspeed or
> >>even mention the need to do this. Am I supposed to have downloaded it
> >>before I got here or am I supposed to download it through Maven between
> >>step 1 and 2.?
> >>
> >>Problem 2) What is USER_HOME in a Windows 2000 environment.
> >> A windows use would expect this to be C:\Documents and
> >>Settings\rwheeler\My Documents but I am not sure if that makes any sense
> >>in the context of a Tomcat server.
> >>It needs explaining for either windows or Linux.
> >>
> >>I hope that these comments lead to a better set of instructions that
> >>make it easy for  new users. I will try to document the little issues
> >>that I run into. I know that it is hard for someone who completely
> >>understands the whole process to put themselves in the shoes of a new
> >>system administrator who has never seen the software before. It is easy
> >>to forget to mention something that seems so obvious once you have done
> >>it successfully.
> >>
> >>Ron
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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Hema Menon

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