The first edition of the ImageViewer Portlet was added to the Gems project this week. This portlet allows the user to store images in a folder named "images" on the server. At runtime, the end-user can specify an image name, and the image is retrieved using an |<img>| tag within the JSP page of the view.

The portlet also provides an "Edit" mode that allows the end-user to select a different color for the background. Although, this portlet provides a very simple implementation , it provides many of the JSR-168 features and shows how they can be used in a realistic and functional portlet.

The portlet can currently be built using Ant to provide a JSR-168 compliant portlet.

Furthermore, the folder and file structure follow the recommended project structure. Thus, this portlet provides a good template for building other portlets in the future.

Later next week, a maven.xml file will be provided to allow user of this portlet to build the portlet using Maven. Once a good amount of portlets are added to the project, binary editions may become available.

Currently, the portlet downloads with a pluto-web.xml file, which is changable via the Later, more web.xml files will become available for using this portlet on other platforms.

The code can be downloaded from the Gems project at

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