Shah Amit wrote:

I have my own "portlet web application". Now it logically makes sense that to deploy this this applicaiton, I should just throw it under jetspeed/web-inf/deploy, and should be able to access my webapplication from the browser.

Till now I used to edit the "default-page.psml" in jetspeed/web-inf/pages directory and enter my portlet in there.

But suppose I want to have my own psml file. (I guess I should put it under <my-webapp>/web-inf/pages/myPage.psml ??) Now even if I do this, how should I access this page from the browser ? http://localhost:8080/jetspeed/myapp/myPage.psml ??

Also regarding decorators. I have read all the documentation on the website and I understand how it should be done. But again similar question. I should be able to put my decorators under <my-webapp>/web-inf/decorations etc. ??

My only concern is that I dont want to change anything in jetspeed. This way I can easily keep updating jetspeed with new releases. Otherwise I would have to put my changes in jetspeed everytime I upgrade my jetspeed.

Please help/advise/comment ....


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Did you work through your database issues? I am in the throes of understanding the Jetspeed-2 RDBMS security implementation and can offer some help if you need it.

Mike Long

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