
I am developing a RSS Portlet on JetSpeed. 

I used the RSS Demo for the base code, and 
created my custom Portlet. 

Next, I edited the portlet.xml
to add my portlets.

Build and Deployed the WAR file to Tomcat

I edited the RSS.psml and/or default.psml
to reference my portlet rss::Myportlet

I get a error saying cannot find the portlet

I think my portlet is not getting registered
in the database - HSQL. 
I have the HSQL database running. I check 
the tables Portlet Applications , Portlets etc
and I cann't see my Portlet. 

I have also created a brand new Web Project
and my own PSML. It seems that my portlets
are not getting registered in the DAtabase. 

Please help, am I missing some step. 

Also where is the docs of J2, the Wiki/Web Site is 
sparse -- any help will be really useful. 



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