Great. Please also support JSR 170 (Content Repository Standard).
We are interested to join the effort.

Best regards,

Christophe Lombart wrote:

Hi All,

If you are looking for a CMS framework for Jetspeed, you are welcome to join the Graffito project (
Graffito is a new "incubated" project which is focusing on content and document management. Graffito is still under developement but you can test the first JSR-168 browser portlet and see how is it integrated into Jetspeed 2.
With the current Browser portlet, you can :
* In the view mode : navigate across the content tree and view documents (HTML, text & binaries).
* In the edit mode : manage folders (add, delete, update) and documents (add, delete, update). Kupu, an html editor is integrated into Graffito.

If you want to test it, see the getting started section from the Graffito web site ( and

Now, we plan to :
* Add Security setting and workflow
* Provide a better integration with Jetspeed 2
* Support JCR/Webdav repositories.
* Build a server manager portlet.
* Add other portlets (treeview content, search,...).
* Support other content type.

Later, some specific applications will be build on this foundation like forums, news management, ...

Please use the Graffito mailing and Jira to send us comments and bugs.

Kind regards,

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