LOMBART Christophe a écrit :
Fabrice Dewasmes wrote:

I've tried to use it. In fact the maven scripts don't work 'out of the box' for hsql. There are a few bugs. Here are those that I remember :

Until now, the complete Graffito team is using MySql. We have to make more tests with other DB. We are still under dev :-)
That's the same for Fusion. We have to review maven goals to support HSQL & fusions. Another issues to check for the fusion integration is the security. Jetspeed 2 & Graffito are using JAAS which is not the case for Jetspeed 1.

- empty password for DB is not valid

What do you mean ?

- torque SQL scripts generation doesn't generate a good script for creation of content table because of the BLOB field (the field has no type) -- should have been set to OBJECT type ?

If I'm remember correctly, it should be OBJECT.  Same issue here, That's 
strange ! Torque doesn't support blob for HSQL ?

- SQL scripts are maybe not generated at the right place (src/sql/... vs >target/src/sql/...)

Scripts in src/sql are not generated scripts. They are usefull scripts like 
inserting rows, delete DB, ...
All torque scripts are in target/src/sql.

- J2 deploy doesn't deploy assembly at the right place (WEB-INF/assembly instead of WEB-INF/conf/assembly)

WEB-INF/assembly is mandatory for Jetspeed 2. We have to write a fusion deploy 
goals in order to deploy in WEB-INF/conf/assembly.

At the end, everything deploys well within JS1+Fusion. BUT I don't >understand how to 
use the portlet. When in view mode, the portlet tells me >that i'm connected to 
[server]jetspeed but that there is no content and I >should use edit mode. But in edit 
mode the portlet appears empty and no log >in the console.... What did I miss ?

You should see in the edit mode buttons "Add Document" "Add folder". That's strange that you don't see them.

I'm going to add all theses issues in Graffito Jira.

Please, can you use the Graffito dev mailing list to send all bugs, issues & comments on Graffito ?
sure. I was going to propose avoiding cross posting ;)


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