You *must* be using action URLs because this warning is *only* displayed
from within processAction handling. Just make sure to use render URLs.

Shah Amit wrote:
Hi all,

Please pardon my stupidity with the Struts bridge. I have read the documentation several times, and I understand what it says. However I have a little bit trouble visualizing it in my scenerio.

I have a page with 3 dropdowns. Each dropdown has an onChange="submit" thing and the secod dropdown is loaded based on value of first, third is loaded based on second. And then there is a table on the page that is loaded based on the selection of third dropdown.

I am using DispatchAction so that I have only one Action Class per page. Now this is an all display only page and actually the "state" is not being changed at all I think. In this case, for each form submission from the dropdowns, I am directly using render Actions and I dont have any forwards with redirects="true". Due to this I am getting a Warning from struts-bridge that -- "Using the original action URL for render URL: A redirect should have been issued". So in such scenerios, should I have a dummy action which does nothing and has a forward with redirect="true" to my render action ??

I am sorry to ask this long question, but it is a little bit confusing to me .. :-(


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