Hi Ate,

Sorry to bring up this thread again. The solution that you mentioned - using window.top.location with <html:rewrite> did work well for me. However it created another problem.

To summarize the situation, since it has been long since we discussed this thread - I have a jsp with 3 dropdowns. OnChange of first dropdown, second should load. OnChange of second, third should load, and onChange of third, a table should load on the page. I am using J2-SturtsBridge and DispatchAction. Since I only want to have one action for everything that this JSP does, and it is a dispatchAction, I have following in my portlet.xml.


First of all, I dont know if this is valid at all !! And then on the OnChange of my dropdowns, I do window.top.location="SomeThing" and the SomeThing is derived by -

location='<html:rewrite href="/r5prAction.do"/>';

Now all of this works fine for the first time. I am able to click on the link from the menu-navigation system and come to this page, and then the dropdowns behave properly. But the thing is, once I fire an OnChange on any of the dropdowns, if I try to click on the maximize, minize buttons of the portlet, or even try to re-enter the portlet with the link from the menu-navigation system, I get the following error --

Request[/r5prAction.do] does not contain handler parameter named 'dispatch'.

I guess something is happening and I am loosing the "dispatch" parameter. But the thing is, as long as I haven't fired the onChange of the dropdown, meaning - as long as the window.top.location has not been called, I can click on maximize, minimize buttons and everything else works great. Its only that once I fire the window.top.location, I start getting this error. And after that, I have to logout and log back in.

I tried everything I can, but I can't figure out why this is happening. The problem is I want to use DispatchAction so that I dont have to write lot of classes for the same jsp. Also very sorry for such a long email.

Please help !!!!


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