Has anyone seen this before, or know of a fix (Ate, David, etc...)?

On 3/18/05, Jeff Sheets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We are using the JAASSessionValidator to authenticate against
> Weblogic.  We are also using the struts-bridge, if that matters.
> We are able to authenticate ok, and reach the front page of any
> portlet.  However, after clicking on the link to take us to the next
> page, we receive an error like the following.
> Has anybody seen this before?  Does anyone have any ideas or clues?
> The problem goes away when I turn off the JAASSessionValidator.  I
> think it has to do with the session being lost, because it works
> sometimes but not always.
> -- Jeff
> <Mar 18, 2005 2:58:56 PM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101214> <Included resource 
> or
> file "/action/edit.jas;jsessionid=C7QZxyGkX0pm6Sp9ckM6vyfxTRJ4p1Tn0Ph3bdz
> g3TJQX4pyDxwC!-2002059013" not found from requested resource 
> "/jetspeed/portal/_
> ns:YTIxMzQ4fGMwfGQwfGVfa3JhPTE9MXxlX3NwYWdlPTE9L2VkaXRfb2JzLmphcztqc2Vzc2lvbmlkP
> T1DN1FaeHlHa1gwcG02U3A5Y2tNNnZ5ZnhUUko0cDFUbjBQaDNiZHpnM1RKUVg0cHlEeHdDIS0yMDAyM
> DU5MDEzfGVfbW9kZT0xPXZpZXc_/".>

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