I just want to answer this post, in case anyone else has the same
issue.  Also, this has turned up a bug with either the url rewriting
of Jetspeed or the struts-bridge.

We resolved the issue by telling weblogic to not use url rewriting for
saving the jsessionid key and only to use cookies.  We had to add this
to the weblogic.xml file of every war in our app:

I have documented the entire problem and resolution here:

On 4/14/05, Jeff Sheets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's also the possiblity that the JAASSessionValidator works
> incorrectly with Weblogic.  Can anyone else verify this?
> It seems to be an issue with how the url is rewritten.  Also, this
> only seems to occur after closing a browser and logging back into the
> portal with the same userid.  Maybe some session info isn't rewritten
> that should be?  I have no clue on this one, so any help would be
> greatly appreciated!
> On 4/13/05, Jeff Sheets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone seen this before, or know of a fix (Ate, David, etc...)?
> >
> > On 3/18/05, Jeff Sheets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > We are using the JAASSessionValidator to authenticate against
> > > Weblogic.  We are also using the struts-bridge, if that matters.
> > >
> > > We are able to authenticate ok, and reach the front page of any
> > > portlet.  However, after clicking on the link to take us to the next
> > > page, we receive an error like the following.
> > >
> > > Has anybody seen this before?  Does anyone have any ideas or clues?
> > > The problem goes away when I turn off the JAASSessionValidator.  I
> > > think it has to do with the session being lost, because it works
> > > sometimes but not always.
> > > -- Jeff
> > >
> > > <Mar 18, 2005 2:58:56 PM CST> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101214> <Included 
> > > resource or
> > > file "/action/edit.jas;jsessionid=C7QZxyGkX0pm6Sp9ckM6vyfxTRJ4p1Tn0Ph3bdz
> > > g3TJQX4pyDxwC!-2002059013" not found from requested resource 
> > > "/jetspeed/portal/_
> > > ns:YTIxMzQ4fGMwfGQwfGVfa3JhPTE9MXxlX3NwYWdlPTE9L2VkaXRfb2JzLmphcztqc2Vzc2lvbmlkP
> > > T1DN1FaeHlHa1gwcG02U3A5Y2tNNnZ5ZnhUUko0cDFUbjBQaDNiZHpnM1RKUVg0cHlEeHdDIS0yMDAyM
> > > DU5MDEzfGVfbW9kZT0xPXZpZXc_/".>
> > >
> >

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