I haven't had much feedback on the proposed compromise but after a private 
discussion with Raphal I think that some more detailed description will be 
helpful. Furthermore, even though my proposal allowed to use both 
approaches (portlets delivering output streams to the container as well as 
portlets delivering sax events to the container) it still stressed in some 
way, that the stream based approach would be the basic, standard way, 
whereas the sax event way was only an extension. (And meanwhile, since I 
didn't finish this mail yesterday, Raphael send an proposal that exactly 
inverts this emphasis :) )
I try to refine my proposal so that both alternatives (and even additional 
ones) are all totally equal.
--> §I All portlet types are equal! ;-)

Ok, the idea is now following: In order to not induce an emphasis on either 
Portlet type,
* for each portlet type, there is a extra package, containing at least one 
abstract class that implements the portlet interface.
* for each portlet type, there is a subinterface of PortletResponse that is 
specialized for the needs of the respective portlet type. E.g.:
   - SaxPortletResponse has methods getLexicalHandler(), getContentHandler()
   - StreamPortletResponse has the method getWriter()
   The abstract classes cast the PortletResponst object in their service 
method to the respective PortletResponse objects.
* The interface PortletResponse itself doesn't provide _any_ methods for 
returning content.
* Theoretically, there could be other portlet types besides SaxPortlet and 
SteamPortlet, e.g. "DomPortlet, EcsPortlet, HtmlPortlet"

(Again: The following picture is best viewed with a fixed width font, e.g. 
"Courier New")

   Portlet Container    API               Portlets
                         | |
                  A---.   | |                A---.
PortletRequest  | I |---|-|---------------->|   |
                 '---'   | |                 |   |
                         | |                 | I |  Portlet
                 A---.   | |                 |   |
PortletResponse  | I |<--|-|-----------------|   |
                  '---'   | |                 '---'
                   |     | |      ____________|____________
                   |     | |     |           |           |
                   ^     | |     |           |           |
                   A---.  | |     ^           ^           ^
StreamP.Response A---.|  | |  AC--.        AC--.        AC--.
SaxP.Response   A---.|'  | |  |AC |    |AC |       |AC |
XYP.Response    | I |'   | |  '---'    '---'     '---'
                 '---'   | |
                   |     | | SaxPortlet  StreamPortlet  XYPortlet
                 ^      | |      |           |           |
                  C---. | |      |           |           |
Response        C---.|  | |      ^           ^           ^
Impl.s         C---.|'  | |   U---.        U---.        U---.
                | C |'   | |    | C |       | C |       | C |
                '---'    | |    '---'       '---'       '---'
                         |_| aSaxPortlet aStreamPortlet aXYPortlet

I checked the boxes:
(A)  provided by the Portlet API
(C)  provided by the Portlet Container
(AC) provided by the API but can be replaced by the container
(U)  classes implemented by the potlet developer

The above approach has following advantages:
* There is really no "default, standard" way, we won't have to decide 
whether the sreaming way or the sax way is reflected already in the root 
* We can specify different constraints for different portlet types: 
SaxPortlets return full documents, StreamPortlets only fragments. This 
makes allowence for different goals per portlet:
- A SaxPortlet tries to achieve a maximum of safty and as its output will 
usually be post-processed anyway there is no big additional impact on 
- A StreamPortlet aims to achieve a maximum of performance and as this 
forbits post-processing, it has to return only document fragments. (They 
have to comply to certain rules).
   [Well, in the java docs that I've committed, there is actually no 
"StreamPortlet" class, instead there are two abstract classes 
"FragmentStreamPortlet" and "FullStreamPortlet". The only difference is the 
"full document" vs. "fragment" requirement.]
* A portlet container that supports only certain types of portlets can 
check already at the deployment time whether it is able to support a 
certain portlet or not.
* Portlet containers could specialize on certain design goals, e.g. safty, 
universality, performance...

The main disadvantages:
* The base PortletResponse interface is "naked". A PortletResponse object 
doesn't help anything, you always have to cast it. I.e. that there is no 
"default way" that the portlet API gurantees to work always and in every 
* There can be portlet containers that support only some portlet types. 
Portlets do not necessarily run on _every_ portlet container, but only on 
those that support their type. (This is compareable to the beginning of 
EJBs when not all containers supported entity beans for example).
* A developer can't write a portlet that implements the portlet interface 
and extends some other class at the same time. As there is no 
multi-inheritence in java, portlets are forced to extend only the abstract 
portlet classes.

I updated the java docs in the proposals directory so that everybody can 
have a look at them. They are more detailed, but I hope that this mail did 
also make the idea clear.
I still owe you a proposal that defines which rules document fragments will 
have to comply to in order to by a "well-defined fragments". Didn't get to 
it yet, but it'll follow.

I hope that the above is a fair compromise in which all of us should find 
their requirements and design goals taken into account. However, for none 
of us it will be as neat as we whished it'd be - but that's the nature of 

Ok, then: comments?


P.S.: Raphael suggested to have an IRC chat on Monday or Tuesday evening 
(european time). That'll give us the possibility to speed up the discussion 
and bring it to an end. I think this is a good idea.

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