At 07:36 PM 2/18/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>1.Primary output mode
>   (This affects the programmatic Portlet API)
>   Alternatives:
>   a) output stream as base mode in portlet package
>      sax as special mode in portlet.sax package
>   b) neutral base interfaces in portlet package
>      sax as special mode in portlet.sax package
>      output stream as special mode in package
>   c) sax as base mode in portlet package
>      output stream as special mode in package
>   Note: Whether or not portlets will run on all portlet
>   containers does not depend on the primary output mode or the
>   package structure of the API, but only on whether the
>   specification defines all output modes as mandatory or not.
>   When offering multiple output modes, the specification must
>   mandate implementation of all of them by all portlet
>   containers to assure portlet portability.

Another alternative:

Output in base portlet package as abstract stubs or an
interface.  Both SAX and Stream as child packages portlet.sax
and, respectively.  Set up the default mode
using a properties file.

This will allow a more natural subclassing of output functions
which don't necessarily need to be based upon streams.


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