At 07:36 PM 2/18/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>2.Fragments and/or Full Documents
>   (This affects portlet container performance and ease of
>   implementation - and thus development costs)
>   Alternatives:
>   a) only document fragments concatenatable without post-processing
>       -> high-performance
>       -> low effort implementation of portlet container
>       -> requires to strip off tags from tool-generated
>          document templates once in advance
>       -> container can easily concatenate portlet output
>       -> container can be agnostic to fragments' internal
>          structures
>    b) document fragments and full documents
>       -> high performance possible if programmers use fragments
>       -> higher effort for implementation of portlet containers
>       -> container must strip off tags from full documents
>          generated by some portlets at run-time and be able to
>          handle framents.
>       -> container must be aware of document structure and know
>          what parts have to be stripped off for each particular
>          markup type
>    c) only full documents that require post processing
>       -> lower performance
>       -> higher effort for implementation of portlet containers
>       -> container must strip off tags from documents generated
>          by portlets at run-time
>       -> container must be aware of document structure and know
>          what parts have to be stripped off for each particular
>          markup type

Suggestion:  Add a configuration tag to the portlet definition
which specifies whether or not the portlet will produce partial
or full content.

Suggestion:  Create portlet wrappers for full content stripping
so the containers won't have to deal with this stuff.


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