Kimpton,C (Chris) wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using jetspeed1.3a1 and it is generally working fine (although still
> temperamental upon startup - at least on linux...)
> We have 2 portlets that based on the same class and when we use either
> individually, they work fine.
> These portlets are mini-applications - providing means of
> entering/querying/updating data all within the portlet.
> But when we have both portlets enabled at once, the links of the first
> portlet get passed to the second portlet displayed - they are setup as
> separate portlet entries WhosWho and Company.

It looks it is a multithreading problem. Are you storing in the portlet information 
belongs to the request or the session?

Does the portlet class have any instance variables written by the requests?

Are you storing a RunData anywhere?

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