Before a recent intemperate exchange, Sylia Schildt--I had not remembered
that it was she, but I did remember the posting--posted thusly (sorry):

   Our Jewish religion has so many positive aspects. It's sad that
   certain factions only address the no-nos.  Where are the yes-yesses?
   Why don't they speak of those things instead? The Baal-Shem Tov
   addressed the positive aspects in joy and love.  What a model for us
   all, Chasidic or not.

In an extended essay and appreciation on my rebbe Shlomo Carlebach, z"l,
that I wrote for MOMENT magazine appears the following:

"[Shlomo] believed, said Rabbi Perry Berkowitz, himself ordained by
Shlomo, 'in a Yes! Judaism, a Yes! synagogue, a Yes! Shabbos.'  Those for
whom Shabbos was only No!, Shlomo taught, leave Judaism because they never
see its beauty and holiness."

I don't think it's in the article, but Perry Berkowitz also told me that
Shlomo taught him, 'It's easy to say No.  The hard thing is to learn enough
[i.e., about Judaism and Jewish law and commentary] to be able to say Yes.'

--Robert Cohen

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