Does anyone know of the history of the song "Am Yisroel Chai" ?

1. What is the source of the words? (I researched the phrase in the
Biblical and Rabbinic literature and drew a blank. Is it a loose
rephrasing of a biblical theme? If so which one? I have a few ideas, but
nothing too elucidating. ) Is it a poetic creation for the sake of a
song, like Hava Nagilah?

2. When did it become part of our national consciousness?  When was it
first sung? As far as I know it appeared in a couple of folk melodies
from of the 20's and 30's, with popularity extending thru the 70's.

3. How was it first sung? I've heard that the lyrics were actually, " Am
Yisroel Chai, Ad B'li Dai" or "Am Yisroel Chai, Amcha Yisroel Chai". 

4. Shlomo Carlebach used the phrase coupled with the words "Od Avinu
Chai." Was this his doing? Was this another popular phrase? If so, was
he the one to make the shidduch? Or, did he actually pen the phrase? 

All best, GZB

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