What you talkin bout watsky?!?!?

allen watsky wrote:

> A rare and beautiful intermingling of Frum, =
> Orthodox and Reform, a rare treat.

While the diversity of Klex Kanada - and the ability to be my Jewish self
there more than any place else but Yerushalym - is one of the great joys..
what are we (myself and a bunch of my Big-C friends) --- chopped liver?

The mechitzahed kabbalat shabbat was splendifourous - missing half of dinner 
because those who go to services are marginalized is not.  I may have to 
personally take responsiblity for egalitarian services next year since they were
no where found.

Of course, had I invaded the frum tables instead of sitting with my own - ah
nevermind - ther is no bigger complaint than about the food at KK.  That G-d for
the Provisio up on 117, or I would have lost even MORE wieght.

No tears, I could stand to lose a few pounds.

night L"CHAIMS and the early morning tsimbl class and Deborah's Fiddle 
Kapelye and sitting out in the early morning devirginizing a new tsimbl
player --- be afraid world, our ranks are swelled by one swell guy, Brooklyn's
own teen genius, master of the Stroh-fydl, Jeremy Bloom  -- 

I'm too old at 48 to share a bathroom with 8 people (and those were the 
deluxe accomadations).  But I'm just barely old enough to walk in the woods 
singing "AY, Diy, yababayby, yababaybaybaybum, yababababa..." at sunrise, 
to have Rsuhevsky show me the little trick I didn't know that any Hungarian over the 
age of three knows, to have Strauss tell me for the tenth time that my 
"two" strikes are all wrong at the ritard, and to not be able to figure out what
it all means, and then - to nail it - to have her jump up and down going "YEAH! YEAH! 

To be insulted over and over again by the Dolgin child (no, I'm not jealous! 
Mamash!  Why would I want to be (20?) and brilliant?) - to have my ankles fail me 
after four hours or five hours of dancing - to meet Lisa - the grrl from Minnesota - 
to talk with Rebecca for a half hour about our college age kids instead of tuning the 
tsimbl - to be spared Zev's opinion on the tsimble I just built - to be told by Pete 
that he beleives it to be proper to give it the name tsimbl - understanding that the 
NEXT one will be better!

TO get into bed at night and find the Dust Storm has made its way into your sheets - 
to wait as one after another  goes to the bathroom as your bladder bursts as you want 
to make it to weekday morning minyan (even if I ain't so-called Orthodox) - well, I'll 
shower after shacharit.  Ooops, showede up at 7:15 as announced - we;;. let's wait 
till 8 to see who shows up - over at 8:45 - grab a coffee and run to tsimbl stinking 
to high heaven

Wex.  Love him, love him - but JEEZZSZZ - can't ANYONE put on a Jewish music
fest with anyother MC?!?!?  I get tired of his jadedness after a while - yet
WHO ELSE could keep you laughing as the student concert goes on from 9 PM to 5 am?

Singing the Karliner nigun I worked all summer at Klex Kabert and having half
the audience walk out ----

yeah - I dig it, and I dug you all who were here.  Yasher Koach to Jeff W and Michael 
A, and to Hy "endless announcements" and Sandy Goldman - for all I hate
about KK - it is the high point of my year and I love it and the people who
make it very dearly.

The check is in the mail to prove it.

One does not ride to Kotsk - one rides to Ste Agathe!

ronan tsimbler / roger reid

r l reid        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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