I need to use large file size > 2GB, on a old redhat 6.1 .
I 'm using a 2.2.16 kernel with glibc 2.1.2.
I patched the kernel 2.2.16 and installed jfs 1.0.5.
I made with succes a jfs file system on a 120GB ide disk.
Now I have tried to build a tar file >2GB on it and it exit with error
at 2GB size.

I know that distribution with 2.4.x kernel hasn't this problem but
I had some problems compiling old software made for 2.2.x kernel
that I use to access some hardware device, for new 2.4.x kernel.

In description of jfs feature file system size and file size limits
exceed my requirement, but somewhere in the notes on jfs, I have
discovered that the limits could be due to linux kernel limit !!.
1) So is it possible to overcame the limitation of 2GB, with old 2.2.16
kernel. ?

2) Is rev 1.0.5 stable enought to use just to save data
    files and not system files?

3) do I need to upgrade my glibc form 2.1.2 to later version to use
large files?
(and if yes do you how to do it without broken the system ?)

4) After that just recompiling my software with open file option
    will be enought to manage file > 2GB ?

best regards
Andrea Maccaferri
CNR Istituto di Radioastronomia BO Italy

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