While attempting to figure out boot failures on my Red Hat 2.4.18-17-7.x kernel on a JFS-formatted drive, I whipped out installation CD #1, booted it, typed 'linux rescue', and had a shock. The rescue system flatly stated that I don't have a linux system. Therefore it would put me in a shell instead of mount the system on /mnt/sysimage so I could chroot it and work on things.

After exploring the different consoles and fiddling around I believe the problem is that the Red Hat installer doesn't load any JFS support modules by default, e.g. there was no attempt to insert jfs.o. I'm uncertain whether it has support for mounting jfs partitions. The Red Hat 7.3 CD #1 seems to be looking for the jfs.o module but can't find it. I couldn't see the messages for the Red Hat 8.0 CD #1 -- they had scrolled off the screen.

Am I on target here? If I am, this makes it *very* difficult to debug a JFS-based file system because Red Hat doesn't support it in rescue mode. That forces you to find some way other to mount the physical disk with jfs support. In my case I removed the physical disk, put it in a USB hard drive adapter box from ADS, and plugged it into my laptop system so I could mount the drive as /dev/sda[1,2]. That's a lot of work.

Is there any easy way to add jfs support to the Red Hat Rescue CD's? A trick I don't know, perhaps?


Bob Cochran
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

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