
I have a 120GB JFS volume on a busy server that is giving me problems.
I have a file that causes processes to permanently hang when they
attempt to read it.  Interactive processes do not respond to a ^C, nor
do they respond to a SIGKILL or SIGHUP.

The system is a dual K7 running Linux kernel version 2.4.20, and the
version of JFS that came with it.  (I could not find the specific
revision number in the source - where would I need to look?)

The filesystem is also on an EVMS volume (engine version 1.2.0), but I
am not doing anything fancy with it at the moment.  Also, since it is
just one file and I am unable to get any data from that file, I
believe/hope it to be at the filesystem level.

This same problem happened once before, and was fixed by a reboot and
fsck (it needed a hard reboot since init could not kill some of the
processes).  Unfortunately, the technician that handled the reboot did
not save the output from the FSCK, but there were a number of errors,
and the file that was causing the problem was deleted as part of the

Does this sound like anything obvious that has been seen before? (I
didn't find anything on the archives, but it could be that I just
didn't know what to look for).  If not, what other information should
I provide?

Many thanks,


Wayne A. Tucker       Sr. Network Engineer, Aspiring Guru
+1-360-473-1169       "The Internet Solutions Company"

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