On Monday 30 June 2003 13:23, Wayne Tucker wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a 120GB JFS volume on a busy server that is giving me
> problems. I have a file that causes processes to permanently hang
> when they attempt to read it.  Interactive processes do not respond
> to a ^C, nor do they respond to a SIGKILL or SIGHUP.

This sounds like a deadlock in the JFS code.

> The system is a dual K7 running Linux kernel version 2.4.20, and the
> version of JFS that came with it.  (I could not find the specific
> revision number in the source - where would I need to look?)

Is this a vanilla 2.4.20 from kernel.org, or a vendor kernel?  If 
vendor, which kernel?  There have been a couple fixes since 2.4.20 that 
may fix your hang.  I'm not aware of any similar hangs reported on 

> The filesystem is also on an EVMS volume (engine version 1.2.0), but
> I am not doing anything fancy with it at the moment.  Also, since it
> is just one file and I am unable to get any data from that file, I
> believe/hope it to be at the filesystem level.

I assume that it probably is.

> This same problem happened once before, and was fixed by a reboot and
> fsck (it needed a hard reboot since init could not kill some of the
> processes).  Unfortunately, the technician that handled the reboot
> did not save the output from the FSCK, but there were a number of
> errors, and the file that was causing the problem was deleted as part
> of the FSCK.
> Does this sound like anything obvious that has been seen before? (I
> didn't find anything on the archives, but it could be that I just
> didn't know what to look for).  If not, what other information should
> I provide?

A listing of any processes in the "D" state from "ps -el" may help me 
determine if it looks like a known problem or not.

> Many thanks,
> Wayne

David Kleikamp
IBM Linux Technology Center

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