On Tuesday 09 March 2004 08:22, Zeno R.R. Davatz wrote:
> Is it possible to put a jfs for a boot partition? Then I will exchange the
> ext2 with jfs.

SharkLinux is a JFS only distro based on Gentoo. Our default filesystem for 
all installations is JFS, so I believe I can help.  I am assuming you are 
using an x86 based system, so for these instructions, I recommend you use the 
GRUB bootloader. For PPC, you will have to see if YaBoot supports JFS. I know 
that aboot for Alpha does, you just have to set the partition table as an 
ext2, but you can format it with JFS if you choose.  

It appears your current system partition scheme (pseudo-fstab) is:

# Device    Mountpoint      FS type
/dev/hda1  /boot                        ext2
/dev/hda2  SWAP
/dev/hda3  /                    jfs

You can convert your /boot to jfs by doing the following
mkdir /mnt/oldboot
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /boot
cp -Rp /boot/* /mnt/oldboot 
umount /boot
mkfs.jfs /dev/hda1
mount -t jfs /dev/hda1 /boot
cp -Rp /mnt/oldboot/* /boot

now, change the fstype for /boot in fstab to jfs

Before you can reboot, you will need to reinstall grub to recognize the new 
boot filesystem is JFS. So here are the commands (note that 'grub>' means you 
are in the grub shell):

grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub> quit

Thats it, should be golden for reboot. 

Chris Tusa
Linisys, Computing Evolution
504.464.4610 x1
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