Hi again.

> >When booting the gentoo install cd, I can mount /dev/hdg1, but I have to
> >specify "-t jfs" as parameter. mount doesn't auto-recognize jfs, too!
> Check the gentoo /etc/filesystems - should have a jfs entry to automagically
> recognise jfs.

Yes, the entry is there.

> >Well, at least all my data is still there.
> >Any suggestions?
> I don't understand how your jfs root can possibly be mounted as msdos - 
> are you absolutely positive this is what is happening?

Oh, sorry, that's not what I meant.
The partition is mountable as jfs manually, so to say with "mount -t jfs
/dev/hdg1 /mnt/gentoo". But what I meant, is that when booting a kernel,
there comes the point when the root fs is mounted automatically. And
that's when /dev/hdg1 is recognized as msdos filesystem. Of course it's
not being mounted, because it is jfs - but the kernel panics because he
doesn't know better.

Has my problem become a bit clearer now?

Oh, btw: I just created a new jfs partition and copied the content of
/dev/hdg1 into it and adjusted /etc/fstab on the new partition. Then I
made a new boot entry for grub for this partition and guess what! Yes,
it works.
I'm doing the same procedure again now, because I forgot to preserve the
file attributes when copying /dev/hdg1.
However, this test shows to me that grub and my system are both okay.
The problem must be in jfs.

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