On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 17:26:44 +0100, Thorsten Hirsch wrote:

>that's when /dev/hdg1 is recognized as msdos filesystem. Of course it's
>not being mounted, because it is jfs - but the kernel panics because he
>doesn't know better.

Ah, OK. Makes more sense. 

>Oh, btw: I just created a new jfs partition and copied the content of
>/dev/hdg1 into it and adjusted /etc/fstab on the new partition. Then I
>made a new boot entry for grub for this partition and guess what! Yes,
>it works.

Alright, then it's getting a bit more complicated - more than I can 
deal with. Maybe some of the others here can help out. I think there's
a file system magic number or somesuch that the kernel uses to identify
the file system, maybe this somehow got corrupted? But I'm really making
wild guesses here ...

/Per Jessen, Zurich

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