when you first run setup, after getting past the license agreement, you
will get to a screen where you will be able to choose, typical or
minimal, arrow down to minimal, tab over to next, hit enter or space
bar, there you will get another list box that will say minimal again,
if you tav over once, you will get a TreeView move down the list, and
either check or uncheck depending on what you want.  since you chose
minimal, the first few options, the IE browser, the help and a few
others will be checked, everything else will not be selected.  If you
are using windows 95, or, don't want to mess around with the Update
sight, I would suggest getting the new virtual machine for Java stuff
and the new MediaPlayer.  You only need the new MediaPlayer, if you
plan on using the RadioBar, I think you will eventually use it, so get
the upgraded MediaPlayer.  Other than that, it is just personal

The reason I chose custim was because, I prefer to use PmMail, so why
bother downloading OutLook Express, anyway, good luck!

 On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 12:35:12 -0600, Walter Siren wrote:

>When you download the setup file, are you asked questions about any of it
>that you don't want.  I don't want outlook explorer since I am using eudora.

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