Hi all,

I'm very impressed of JiBX and how it is documented!
Anyway, I'm not able to use the HashMapper - example as custom 
Marshaller/Unmarshaller for my application.

I tried to run the Jibx2Wsdl tool, with -u specific-binding.xml, where 
specific-binding.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <mapping class="java.util.HashMap" name = "map"

It results in "Error: Error during validation: Internal error - class 
information not available; on mapping element at (line 5, col 61, in 

(the jibx-extras.jar is in the classpath)

Using the example21.HashMapper instead of HashMapperStringToComplex results in 
the same error.

Is this the wrong way to use a custom (un)marshaller, or is it impossible to 
use them with Jibx2Wsdl?
If yes, what would be the best procedure to come to binding, xsd and wsdl?

Thanks in advance!

 Alex Brosch

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