
has anyone successfully tried to include a precompiled binding using the 
classpath? I upgraded to JiBX 1.2.2 to use this feature but I have not yet got 
it working.

I'm using the maven JiBX plugin and I generate a mapping for some classes that 
are shared between two Maven artifacts. The first artifact holds some common 
used java classes and it compiles and generates the binding classes first. Both 
binding file and binding classes are put into a JAR.

The second artifact holds another class that refers to the common ones. When 
running the binding compiler for the second binding file JiBX reports an error.

The include tag inside the including binding file looks like that:

<binding name="binding">

        <include path="classpath:konto-vo-binding.xml" precompiled="true" />


The error message looks like that:

[INFO] [jibx:bind {execution: default}]
[INFO] Running JiBX binding compiler (single-module mode) on 1 binding file(s)
Error: Error accessing included binding with path 
"classpath:konto-vo-binding.xml": unknown protocol: classpath; on include 
element at (line 5, col 70, in binding.xml)

I think this is exactly the error message reported by JiBX 1.2.1 which I have 
used before.

Any ideas? What am I doing wrong?

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