
I've started using jibx-ota (OSGi pre-packaged) and I'm really happy with
it, but my Java skills aren't very good atm so I would appreciate a little
bit of help.

First of all is there any way to intercept the XML (inbound and outbound)
messages when soapClient.call() is called? Especially when it's over a
secure connection.

I've ran into two common errors, but I couldn't find a solution. The first
one occurs when I get a fault message because of the extra "faultactor" tag.
Should I add something for fault handling? Adding
"soapClient.addInFaultDetailsHandler(new ExceptionReader());" didn't help.

org.jibx.ws.WsException: Error reading end of fault.
Root cause: org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Expected "{
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Fault"; end tag, found "faultactor"
start tag

       <faultstring>Authentication Error</faultstring>
           <text>Invalid or missing credentials</text>

In the second case there is an error because of the missing "EchoData" tag,
just after <Success/>. I think OTA specifications require EchoData or at
least the OSGi built requires it, but the server response doesn't contain
the tag. Is there any way to handle such errors without changing binding.xml
and recompile everything? ..because there are so many dependencies. What
would you recommend?

org.jibx.ws.WsException: Error in unmarshalling.
Root cause: org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Expected "{
http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05}EchoData"; start tag, found "{
http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05}OTA_PingRS"; end tag

  <OTA_PingRS EchoToken="REQ.A1454.2231" PrimaryLangID="en-us"
TimeStamp="2011-04-14T12:21:38+02:00" Version="1.005" xmlns="

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