On 10/09/2015 17:15, Mani Sarkar wrote:
Hi Rory,

I have played with the Jigsaw JDK using the Quick starter guide and have this to share with our community:

There is a small mistake in the example on Services (see my implementation you will spot it soon), also the Services example explains more than one concept at a time and I think this might just be a bit more than a simple example to illustrate Jigsaw features.

The last two examples are not fully fleshed out. I would put a footnote about jlink, that jmod + tools are going to supersede jimage (if from what I have read so far is correct, I have even seen this mentioned on a JBUG issue).

I don't immediately see the error in the services example (I need to look closer) but I think you have a point that this example jumps ahead too much. Good idea to get the examples into a repo with scripts.

Just on the tools then jlink + jmod don't supersede the jimage tool. Lots of new j- tools so the following might be helpful:

jlink is the linker. It links a set of modules together to create a run-time image, the layout of which is described in JEP 220. The jlink tool is in the current EA builds but no documentation to point at yet. There will be a JEP in time (as mentioned already in JEP 261). The jlink example you see in the quick start page should work and create a run-time image that contains module com.greetings and its transitive dependences. Another thing to mention is that the jigsaw/jake builds invoke jlink to create the JDK, JRE, and compact profile images. I think of jlink as a tool for the advanced tool chain and not something that most developers will use directly.

The jmod tool is to the JMOD format as the jar tool is to the JAR format. In the jigsaw/jake build then you'll see that the tool is used to create a JMOD for each standard and JDK-specific module. The directory of JMOD files then serves as the module path for the linker when it creates the JDK and JRE images. Like jlink then I don't expect too many developers to need to use the jmod tool or JMOD format as modular JAR files will do just fine for most modules. In the example in the quick start page then the only reason that the JDK jmods directory is on the module path is because creating a custom image requires resolving standard and maybe JDK modules so the tool needs to be able to locate the corresponding module artifacts.

Now jimage. In a run-time image (JEP 220) then classes and resources are stored in a container that is in jimage format. The format is deliberated not documented and best to assume it will change and evolve over time as it inhales new optimizations. Introducing a new container format is a bit scary and needs some tooling to aid troubleshooting in the event of problems. This is why the JDK 9 builds and the EA builds have a jimage tool. It can be used to do some verification, list or extract the contents. It's not meant to be on par with the jar tool of course. Instead just think of the jimage tool as First Aid Kit hanging on the wall in the event that you might need it.


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